Birthday Weekend

My birthday weekend did not get off to the right start…I was horribly sick on Friday, not even able to leave my apartment. Helen took me to the doctor in the late afternoon and they informed me I did not have Strep or the Flu..maybe a bad cold? Great…
I had planned on going to Palm Beach with Zaria and Helen on Saturday and was so hoping to keep that plan. Seeing tweets that Cornelia Guest was going to be at C. Orrico sealed the deal, rain or shine, deathly ill or not, we would go. I woke up actually feeling better and off we went. Walking into C. Corrico, the first thing I saw was Olive, Cornelia’s adorable Westie..walking around checking things out. So cute. I met Cornelia and she showed me her new line of handbags, all cruelty-free. She signed my copy of her book from a million years ago..”The Debutante’s Guide to Life”. I used to think this tongue-in-cheek handbook picked up where the Official Preppy Handbook left off. It is so funny and she was so surprised when I whipped it out of my bag.

The store looked fantastic, chock full of goodies, as usual. I found a cute tunic to purchase. One of these days, I envision all my crystal bracelets on display there. I would die of pride,

After walking around Worth Avenue, we got to Ta-Boo for an early dinner. We were lucky enough to get a table up front and the people watching was incredible. It was bustling since it was a holiday weekend and there were limos after limos dropping off couples from the midwest on mini-vacations.

On Sunday (my actual birthday), I tried to stay low key since last year I really made a huge deal of the occasion…

lunch at Neiman’s with some girlfriends…
I went to Meg and Brett’s for dinner.
When I got out of the car, I could smell the exciting.

The dinner was amazing…all my favorites…

Meg made a delicious chocolate cake that was remarkably similar to my Mom’s birthday cake…

So happy to celebrate with two of my favorite girls…
I had some help blowing out the candles…
All in all, a great birthday. Even under the weather, I had a blast! Thanks for all the nice birthday wishes. Between the bloggers and Facebook, I heard from a ton of friends!

Off to NYC

So excited, if the weather permits, tomorrow morning I am off to NYC for the weekend with 15 of my friends for an (early) birthday celebration. This latest storm has added some unnecessary stress to the plans, but it looks like my flight is still a go…will keep you posted.

I just booked our Saturday night dinner at Buddakan..can’t wait!

We will be at the communal table, which was where they filmed the rehearsal dinner scene in the Sex and the City movie. The menu looks delicious. I will have a full recap post soon!

Birthday Weekend

Friday was my birthday and it was such a great day…I woke up late-impossible to do in my building..worked on my website-entering products right now..then went to Town in South Miami to meet some friends for lunch.

My very sweet friend Camille made extra large red velvet cake balls for everyone. It was the first time I had tried one and they were delicious!

In the afternoon, I got my hair cut-and I mean CUT..the girl who did it was French and I couldn’t understand her very well-not great when they are holding sharp scissors. I said to keep it long and put some layers in it. She put many, many layers and then after she blew it out she took the scissors and cut choppy layers in the front right to my chin! I have just grown out “mistake bangs” for 2 years and now have choppy layers that don’t quite make the ponytail-unbelievable. Anyway, I do like it but was completely unprepared for the I have a new hairdo.

I made plans to go the the W Hotel on South Beach Friday night. Amy, Ashley and I got there and got an amazing huge couch to park ourselves and we had the best time.

So someone once told me if you don’t want red eyes (something that always happens to me), don’t look right at the camera. That is great..but now I have brown eyes and I look like I am not paying attention!

Joey, me and Brian..

Me and the girls..

I got a little crazy with my blackberry camera…I thought it was really fun at the time and the pics usually come out pretty good!!!

with BFF Amy

with BFF Ricky

with BFF Joey

with BFF Ashley

and with BFF Bride-to-Be Cynthia

Saturday, I headed to the beach for my little friend Jordan’s 3rd Birthday party. It was the most beautiful day and everyone had so much fun.

What a fun weekend, hanging out with great friends and enjoying the unbelievable Miami weather.